
Weekly Horoscopes

Week of April 15 - April 22, 2024

Aries: This is a time of romantic imaginings and of escaping from the ordinary and prosaic. You may want to visit a beautiful church or an art gallery or some inspiring place in nature together. Make sweet harmonies together, gaze at the stars, open your hearts.

Taurus: At this time, any spiritual aspirations, ideals, or hopes that you share, as well as your imaginations and fantasy lives, are activated by being together. Positively this can mean you will want to DO something together to embody, physically express, or actualize what you usually only dream or think wishfully about. But it can also engender a strange atmosphere in which you are vaguely dissatisfied with life or with one another, but are not clear just what you want, either. Try to be clear, direct, and honest. Avoid smoke screens and half truths.

Gemini: At this time your interactions with others and with the outside world in general can be confusing, devitalizing, and discouraging. It seems that whatever you try to do goes nowhere, or gets lost in a haze of misunderstanding. This is not a good time to try to toot your own horn or attempt to get personal recognition for your efforts. Taking time off, working quietly, or doing something primarily for the benefit of others without concern for personal gain, is favored at this time.

Cancer: In general, you will feel more sure of expressing your emotions and addressing your relationship to your mate. Thus, the decisions you make will be supported and applauded by your companion, provided that you outline them in an agreeable, exonerating and balanced way.

Leo: This can be a rather confusing period. First of all, try to make sure that any joint endeavors you undertake are really well thought-out and firmly grounded in reality, because you are prone to falling prey to illusions, deception, or inflated idealism. You may not be seeing one another very clearly either. One or both of you may be behaving in an evasive, slippery, or non-committal way - which baffles the other person. Do not make promises you really can't keep!  Any involvement with drugs, alcohol, or even excessive spirituality can be harmful now, too.

Virgo: You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with. Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. This is not a time to force issues.

Libra: If you are not involved with anyone, this could be a time when you are enamored quickly and may approach someone that is attractive to you, but you may do it in a daring or untimely way. If you don't moderate your impulse, it is very probable that you may be rejected, since others will see you a bit sharp or discourteous.

Scorpio: This is a very loving time, and can be tremendously heart opening and romantic. At the least, you will be cooperating well because your mutual desire for harmony and unity is so strong right now. You are also inclined to be somewhat frivolous, doing something just because it is beautiful, or feels wonderful, or you want to. The spirit of Eros permeates the atmosphere between you.

Sagittarius: Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.

Capricorn: Something important to your way of life or your relationship may pass away now, regardless of your efforts to resist that. It may well be something impersonal and totally out of your control, but this death or crisis will affect you both, at least for this time period.

Aquarius: Things should be humming along quite smoothly and steadily now. In fact, nothing much is likely to change radically for you during this period - which is good if you are happy and satisfied and not so good if you are trying to make changes. "Maintaining the status quo" is the theme at the present time.

Pisces: You are inclined to be aggressive and hot-tempered now, particularly when your will is blocked. Your pushiness or competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility, and further resistance to your efforts. It is best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time. Also, you are impatient and tend to behave in an impulsive, irritable way which makes you more prone to accidents during this period.