
Pig and Horse

Chinese Astrology Compatibility

Chinese Compatibility
Pig and Horse

The Horse and the Pig signs work well together romantically and sexually when dating, as long as both are willing to compromise and put in a bit of extra work in order to keep both partners satisfied and happy at all times in the relationship according to the Chinese zodiac. The Pig and Horse are often attracted to one another at first sight due to the Horse's sexual magnetism in addition to the sensuality the Pig possesses that responds well with the Horse in may situations.

Although the signs are quick to find physical and sexual attraction with one another, they can become somewhat difficult when living with each other under the same roof. Generally, the Pig prefers peace and quiet with a steady lifestyle, whereas the Horse finds this too constraining and will flee if he or she feels that they are being smothered by the Pig's need for an emotional and sensual connection, even when it comes to sex itself. However, because of the deep passion and love the Horse has with being in love, he or she is often able to reciprocate the needs of the Pig, which can lead to a long-lasting partnership.

Compatibility Horse Woman and Pig Man

Both Pigs and Horses enjoy social gatherings in Chinese astrology, especially a Horse woman and a Pig man, making them a fun match for one another. While the Horse is in love with being in love, this gives the Pig man a chance to shower her with affection, lavish gifts, and spending time with one another. Although a Horse woman is capable of handling finances and can easily adapt once committed to a relationship, the Pig man must always be cautious of the Horse's actions to ensure she is not eyeing other men and potential relationships, as Horses prefer to keep their lives without commitment, with platonic friends and romantic or sexual relationships.

Compatibility Horse Man and Pig Woman

A Horse man enjoys having his free time and exploring new areas of life according to the Chinese horoscope, whereas a Pig woman prefers stability complete with love and harmony, although she is quite flexible and understanding to the Horse's needs. Horses are quite blunt with their words and actions, which can hurt the feelings of a Pig woman, unless she is able to rationalize the Horse's behavior to later reflect on it. With enough communication and effort on both parts of the relationship, it is possible for the two to have a long-lasting partnership, depending on each of their own wants and desires.