Taurus and Aquarius Relationship
The chances for a Taurus and Aquarius astrology match are not high on the charts. However, these two share some common ground that will help them stay together if they can find a way to understand how the other one works. Taurus is an Earth sign, and Aquarius is an air sign. The bull is content to stay in place and live life the same way, day in and day out. Aquarius is never happy with stagnation. The air sign is constantly moving. The hardest part of making this match work is Taurus accepting how easy it is for Aquarius to disconnect and pull away when they feel pressure.
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Taurus and Aquarius Love Match
Taurus and Aquarius are clumsy together. They live life at different speeds and they have entirely different orbits in the universe. Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius, giving them a colder, more ruthless approach to arguments and life. Both zodiac signs feel like they have to win any argument because they are both fixed signs. Since Uranus gives Aquarius their quick thinking, Taurus must counter with order. The bull gets things done, and they hold the upper hand in the love department.
Compatibility Score:
Taurus and Aquarius Soulmates
These two are not normally soulmates, but when they move past their oddities, they can be remarkable together. Taurus is comfortable at a quiet, slow pace that fits their emotional needs. Aquarius feels the need to go faster and further because of being an air sign. Finding an equilibrium is challenging when Taurus and Aquarius have different goals they want to achieve in life.
Compatibility Score:
This pair will work together on projects, but Taurus is the one who will finish them. Aquarius likes to blow a lot of smoke. They want to do a lot of things, but things often get so boring that they feel like they have to do something else.
Taurus prefers to stay busy tidying up loose ends and keeping their home comfortable and consistent. They like to do the same things and go to the same places. Taurus can come off irritating to Aquarius when they are not getting their way. Aquarius is just as happy to walk off and avoid the situation until things calm down. Taurus will not be calming down too much. They will resent the feelings and try to get their life back to normal as soon as they can.
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Marriage Compatibility
Marriage is a 50-50 chance for the distant Aquarius and adamant Taurus. Timing is not on their side. The chances for these two entering matrimonial bliss is bleak if they cannot get in tune with each other before they say their vows.
Finding a way to live with the unique eccentricities they each present will be hard enough without Taurus demanding answers and Aquarius shutting down to protect themselves. These two need a lot of time to work on their relationship before they think about marrying and having children. Solidifying their love will be the first step to a happy life for Taurus and Aquarius.
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Sexual Compatibility
Sex is what these signs make it. They attract each other with their opposing Earth and air signs. The differences in their personalities make them sexually appealing to each other. The problem is getting them past their outward issues to find happiness in the bedroom. Taurus wants to stay home, and Aquarius wants to go out and have fun before sex. Give and take is imperative if they want to find a balance that leaves them both with sexual satisfaction.
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Taurus and Aquarius in Bed
Aquarius is smart because of the influence of Uranus. They know Taurus wants passion and romance. Although the cute and cuddly stuff is not their thing, they understand their partner's need for it. Whether they want to put the effort into the relationship is another thing.
Taurus can come off as demanding at times. When they want something, they will do everything to get it. If Aquarius feels Taurus is trying to get their way in the bedroom, then they may sleep in another room.
Compatibility Score:
Taurus and Aquarius Trust
Trust is something Taurus and Aquarius will have to work at a lot in the beginning. Aquarius is flighty and indecisive. They bore so easily that they move to the next thing and do not show much emotion about it.
Taurus goes nuts when their partner leaves things around the house or starts a project and leaves the pieces to sit for days. When little things get on their nerves, these two can get upset in widely different ways. Taurus will clean the house like mad and try to get Aquarius to talk. Their partner will find every excuse to leave. They might even go for the jog Taurus keeps mentioning.
Compatibility Score:
Taurus and Aquarius Summary
Astrology predicts a rough go for the Taurus and Aquarius couple. These signs are not the best match in the zodiac. Aquarius is the number one mover and shaker in the stars. Taurus cannot find peace with so much change going on around them. These two have a lot of work and thinking to do before they marry or have children. They must find a way to come back to each other when they get out of sync. Staying in the same orbit will only happen for a short time. They may spend more time at odds than together.
Taurus and Aquarius Celebrity Couples
Sonny Bono and Cher
Eddie Van Halen and Valerie Bertinelli

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A perfect love match made in heaven |
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Love match and wedding bells |
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Love match with potential |
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This relationship may require some work |
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