Taurus and Virgo Relationship
Taurus and Virgo make a celestial couple for the ages when they learn to compromise and understanding. These zodiac signs are fast friends. Since these two share the Earth sign, they are both approachable and hold conversations well. Whether friends or a couple, Taurus and Virgo are at ease with the other person. There are no secrets or long excursions alone. Taurus is traditional and wants a loving, remarkable family life. Virgo is anxious to make it happen.
Compatibility Score:
Taurus and Virgo Love Match
In love, Taurus and Virgo are the couple everyone wants to be at holiday parties, sports functions, and a night on the town. People admire the loving glances and gentle nature these signs share with each other. Love comes easily for the pair, but everything is not perfect in their union. Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning when they set their heart on something, then they have to have it. Virgo is a mutable sign. They do not need near the amount of structure and planning as their partner. The biggest thing these signs need in their relationship is understanding.
Compatibility Score:
Taurus and Virgo Soulmates
Taurus and Virgo will readily be soulmates when they take the time to listen to each other. When disagreements occur, the best thing these signs can do is talk things out calmly and rationally. Taurus is not likely to change their mind when they feel like Virgo is challenging them. Virgo is more likely to bend to their partner's will, preferring not to make waves. Taurus should consider how much the other sign wants something before they make up their mind to dig in their heels. Being respectful to let Virgo have as much as they give will help the signs create a permanent bond.
Compatibility Score:
Since the bull and the maiden are four signs apart in the zodiac, they share an astrological bond being Earth signs. They love nature. A day together might include a hike in the woods, horseback riding, or taking a boat out on the lake for some fishing and fun. Friendship is important to Taurus and Virgo. They enjoy having someone who cares about their thoughts and wants to make them feel better.
Compatibility Score:
Marriage Compatibility
What the bull wants; Virgo seeks to deliver. If Taurus wants ten kids, then Virgo will find a job that pays for a large family. They will hire a nanny and lavish Taurus with expensive trinkets and nights out to keep stress levels low. Marriages are often lasting with this couple, as long as they learn that compromise is utterly necessary for their relationship.
The horoscope for this pair says love is intense and deep when the Taurus learns to give and Virgo is fast to accept the situation. A long courtship is not important for the couple. These two may fall into love immediately and decide to marry a short time later. An early wedding is likely because these two will get into the routine of hanging out at home and becoming intimate soon after meeting.
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Sexual Compatibility
Sex is easy with Taurus and Virgo. The fireworks are always present in the bedroom. The time Taurus and Virgo spend with each other is the most important thing to both. They will easily envelop each other in love and sex so much so that it will be difficult to spend time with other people. Taurus and Virgo need to balance their home life with fun parties and time with their friends and family. It is easy for the signs to get into a bad rut that causes the relationship to get stale.
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Taurus and Virgo in Bed
There is undeniable chemistry, as these signs are passionate and loving. Virgo is a fervent lover, and the bull gives their partner much to adore. These two can easily drown out the world and dive into each other's thoughts and time without a care. They consume each other in the bedroom with many nights turning quickly into days. Virgo will introduce fun and excitement into the mix, while Taurus will ground their partner when they have other things to do.
Compatibility Score:
Taurus and Virgo Trust
Trust is easy between Taurus and Virgo because they feel so comfortable together. Issues occur when both of the parties are on opposite sides. They share the stubborn gene. Virgo is generous with their time, money, and effort. They do their best for their partner. Since they have a lot in common, Virgo and Taurus have the opportunity to explore many new things together. Checking out the newest spa or grabbing a cup of coffee at the hottest café will appeal to them both. On the other hand, romance will always win over Taurus. A walk in the park is just as important as a birthday dinner or celebration for a promotion. Trust building comes easily as long as these two see eye to eye.
The bull must learn to live a little and stop spending so much money on everything. Virgo needs a little more pizazz in their life, so letting the bull spoil them with something special once in a while is a must. As long as these signs are comfortable enough to talk to each other and work out a way to get the things they both want, the relationship will stay intact and love will come easily.
Compatibility Score:
Venus rules Taurus, making them sensuous and romantic. Mercury is the master of communication, so Virgo is a talker. Smoothness is a key attribute for them. Taurus is a strong person with a ton of dedication to making sure their family life is perfect. They strive for materialistic items to show off their wealth. Sports trophies always make it to the front room display case to give Taurus more to talk about with guests. The horoscope for love with this pairing is excellent. The distance in the zodiac chart, the same signs, and complimenting personalities add dimension and depth to this relationship whether platonic or romantic.
Taurus and Virgo Celebrity Couples
John and Cindy McCain
Michael Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer

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A perfect love match made in heaven |
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Love match and wedding bells |
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Love match with potential |
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This relationship may require some work |
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