
What's my Eros Sign?

The Asteroid Eros

Did you know that there are also countless asteroids that provide valuable symbolic meaning as well? One of the most significant asteroids as it pertains to love and attraction is Eros.

How to Find Your Eros Sign

Situated between love planet Venus and sexual Mars, Eros is an asteroid worth looking at in your chart as well as your lovers chart. Knowing your lover's Eros placement can help you tune into ways you can be a better lover, providing all that his or her soul yearns for in a transcendental, divine and passionate love union. In addition, if you meet someone who has any personal planets or angles in their chart touching the degree of your Eros consider yourself cooked. You've just been hit with a fated love connection.

More about Your Eros Sign

For more detailed information about your personal signs please visit our Personal Reports Section.