
Weekly Horoscopes

Week of July 21 - July 28, 2024

Aries: You are optimistic, hopeful, and forward-looking at this time. You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams and also being more receptive to others' thoughts and point of view. Contracts, negotiations, and business dealings of all kinds are favored now.

Taurus: Beware of expecting something for nothing from other people or each other. Now is also not the time to go out on a limb in joint financial endeavors, buying sprees, or in any other ways. Curb tendencies toward excessiveness, as you are prone to "encourage" each other to gain weight or use up savings.

Gemini: At this time it easy for you to express yourself boldly and confidently. You seem to care less about outside approval and this frees you to act on your own behalf or to do something you have not had the courage to attempt before. Your health and vitality are quite good, and you need physical outlets for your energies now.

Cancer: There may be a "heavy" or intense encounter between you at this time, or between the both of you and someone or something in your environment. You may see clearly something which has been operating subliminally or beneath the surface in your relationship. On a very practical, material level there may be breakdowns of machinery, or of something else that has been needing repair for some time.

Leo: Physical thrills and excitement have a strong appeal for you now, and you want to do something new and out of the ordinary. You also have a lot of energy and quick reflexes. A vigorous game of racquetball or tennis, or some other fast-moving competitive sport would be a good outlet for you now. Acting on your spontaneous impulses and following through on some of your more unusual or "crazy" desires will yield surprises, mostly positive.

Virgo: Issues of power and control arise. Any unspoken "bargains" you have made with each other which disempowers one or both of you in order to please the other, may be up for change. Unreasonable fears of loss, or jealousy could also emerge.

Libra: This is a time to rekindle the excitement and sense of fresh possibilities. Or, if this is a new relationship, to enjoy the feeling of excitement, spontaneity, and anything-can -happen which characterizes this cycle. New love and freedom are the themes now. One of you may propose something that is sexually or romantically "daring" or different; do not be afraid to try it!

Scorpio: Disagreements arise now over personal tastes and styles, what each of you considers desirable or beautiful, how you show love or want to be loved. This will not be a direct confrontation most likely, more of a subtle sense that the other is missing something, not "getting it".

Sagittarius: This is a good time to work on building a foundation for shared goals for the future. Some disagreement based in differences in your past, your upbringing, your heritage, or your attitudes towards family may arise however. Be aware that seemingly innocent remarks are likely to be taken very personally now, and thus cause offense. Accidents in the home are also possible, especially if you allow conflicts to escalate.

Capricorn: A shared flight of imagination brings pleasure: you could write a song together, discuss your latest psychic experiences, visit a tarot card reader, plan an exotic vacation, talk about your dreams. Spiritual topics or otherworldly tales fascinate you now. You may want to see a film that interests the idealistic, believing, hopeful sides of you.

Aquarius: There is a flirtatious, lighthearted, sweet tone between you at this time. Even if you do not usually express much love or sentiments verbally, this is a good time to do so. Send a love note, a card, or simply tell the other just what you appreciate about them.

Pisces: Arguments and disputes break out rather quickly now. You may feel you must either bite your tongue or lash out verbally. Be careful, though, because sharp words now could leave scars.