
Monthly Horoscope Leo

Monthly Horoscope March 2025

Your desires, feelings and even passions can be quite high, which makes it necessary to control, moderate and soften these forces. You tend to express yourself with strong emotions and great psychological vigor, but on occasion could be a bit sharp or slightly explosive.

Thus, you will also have to control your imagination, in order not to exaggerate or be obsessed by small details in your relationship. For example, there could be groundless jealousy with respect to your companion, or you may attempt to impose your decision on him/her. If you think that your mate has offended you, or you are hurt by something that recently happened between you, it is best to express it clearly, with respect and as soon as possible. If both of you would be accumulating concerns or susceptibilities, they would come to light quickly in the near future and would have to be discussed unnecessarily.

It is necessary to accompany the act of making love with intensive communication, before as well as during and after. Real sexuality requires a good psychic understanding between both partners so that there can be a real union. If distrust exists or one is concealing certain aspects from the other, it is very difficult to reach real ecstasy and happiness.

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